Tuesday, June 5, 2007

ABCs of Homemaking

Charlotte "tagged" me on this and so here it is:

Aprons- yes or no? If yes, what does your favorite look like?
  • I always forget to use them (although I have a blue/white checked one and a New Orleans/Jazz one). In fact the last time we had people over for dinner I looked down to find my shirt covered with flour, etc. I didn't have time to change so I put the apron on to cover the mess (I believe most people use aprons to catch the mess).

Bake-What's your favorite thing to bake?

I love baking cookies and breads (hmmm, I like eating those things too!)
Clothesline- yes or no?
  • No, I never really understood the "dried in the breeze" thing because any time I've dried something on a clothesline it was just really crispy instead of "Spring fresh."
Donuts- have you ever made them?
  • Yes, I have a great spud-nuts recipe and it is a family tradition to make them at Halloween.
Every day-Name one homemaking thing you do every day.

  • Cook the meals.
Freezer-Do you have a separate deep freeze?

  • No, but I would like to.
Garbage disposal- yes or no?

  • Yes, although Phil doesn't like it when I put too much stuff down it. One time I actually clogged it and he had to take it apart and be the hero!
Handbook- what is your favorite homemaking resource?

  • My mom and the internet.
Ironing- do you love it or hate it?

  • Hate it, I have come to realize that one of the most hateful things about ironing is the sound the board makes when you put it up and down. Now I just leave it up and I hate ironing much less than I used to.
Junk drawer- yes or no? Where is it?
  • Junk drawer? Try junk room! Right now our laundry room is the junk room and the last room in the house to have order put to it. Some day...
Kitchen-What is your kitchen color and decorating scheme?

  • We just painted our kitchen walls. They are now "cloud burst" a lovely blue/green color. Eventually the cabinets and trim will be painted an off-white color. The new floor is a wood laminate - kind of a medium color.
Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking?

  • I do love the creativity involved in homemaking. When I create a meal or crochet or sew or even create order out of chaos there is a great sense of creativity. Of course the best thing right now is the little person we've just created (co-created). It is a wonderful thing to sit and watch her little facial expressions and body movements and talk to her about her past and her future.
Mop- yes or no?

  • Yes, but far far less often than I should.
Nylons- wash by hand or in the washing machine?

  • Machine (unless of course they get a run faster than they get dirty, then they just get chucked).
Pizza-What do you put on your pizza?

  • My favorite is Thai pizza but that is off limits until Eden can handle the spicy-ness of it.
Quiet- what do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment?

  • Blog of course. Sometimes I take a nap.
Recipe card box- yes or no? What does it look like?

  • Nope
Style-What style is your house?

  • Ranch - brick with a front porch and a great deck in the back.

Tablecloths and napkins- yes or no?

  • Tablecloths when guests come, Phil and I use place mats. Paper napkins with every meal.
Under the kitchen sink- is it organized or toxic wasteland?

  • Mostly organized.
Vacuum-how many times per week?
  • Probably once a week - we share that duty and it doesn't get done as often as either one of us would like. We have the blessing/curse of having carpet that doesn't show anything and so it doesn't get vacuumed as frequently as it should.
Wash- how many loads of laundry do you do per week?

  • Three or four loads every other day. Darks, Whites, Lights, Towels/Baby blankets.
X's- do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off?

  • Not regularly but I do sometimes. Phil is the list person in the family.
Yard- yes or no? Who does what?

  • Beautiful yard with huge trees, flowering shrubs, bulbs, grass, swing set, large deck, squirrels, and the neighbor's cats. Phil is the yard guy (although last fall, I did some of it while he was sick and before I was too pregnant).
Zzzz's- what is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?
  • Scripture reading and prayer with Phil. At first I thought, "that isn't homemaking!" But then I realized it is one of the most important ways we make our house a home. I LOVE having that time together. It is a great habit!
Now I am supposed to tag three other people. I tag Layne (although I doubt she'll do it), Amanda (although Jodi may have also tagged her), and Michelle.

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