Sunday, March 29, 2009

Food and World Peace

Do you have a recipe that just makes you happy?

Is there a food that makes your whole family smile and hum (just a little) while they eat it?

Do you believe that some recipes are so good that they might, just maybe, help bring about world peace?

Are you willing to share?

If you would like to share a recipe with the Food Friday crowd, please send the recipe and instructions (and a photo if you'd like) to frugalkeslers at gmail dot com.

Depending on how many people respond, I'll post the recipes for the next few Fridays.


  1. Yup...right. Sure, the WHOLE family. humming and smiling.
    (someday maybe)

  2. I'm fortunate that I have wonderfully merciful children who generally smile and eat well regardless of my offerings. And I have one that hums. Frequently. Including during meals. And that makes me smile. Does that combo count?
