Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sister Wife Job Description Continued...

In addition to doing the housework, I want my sister wife to watch Eden so I can take a long luxurious steaming hot shower without interruption. Yesterday's shower consisted of a persistent game of Pick-a-boo as Eden pulled back the shower curtain (thereby letting in the cool air to mix with my steamy hot stuff). One of us had fun.


  1. Jeff can't understand why a 10 minute shower and an uninterrupted restroom break is a luxury.

  2. Definitely - keep the kids detained so one can just use the bathroom in private! Even if I lock the kiddos out, the boys find a Popsicle stick and unlock it. Thanks to Nick's 'deal' on large boxes of crafting Popsicle sticks years ago there are numerous keys in our house.

  3. I'm still in!!! I was also wondering if I could watch the kids while you take long naps and I will be the one to get up in the middle of the night if the kids need anything! Would this be ok with you?
